BCG Academy High School: Now Enrolling for a Brighter Future!

Building Bridges through Code: Afghan Youth Craft Their Digital Space

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Put 11 newly arrived Afghan youth in a room with a coding instructor and what do you get? These young minds, who embarked on a new chapter in their lives when they arrived in the United States two years ago, showed unmatchable interest and curiosity.

They first entered the classroom quietly and reserved as any student might on the first day of class. After an hour of ice breakers and introductions they filled the room with electric energy that fueled us all. It wasn’t long before the air was buzzing with excitement as they opened their chrome books. Wide-eyed and eager, these bright group of youth dove headfirst into the world of coding, unleashing limitless creativity and willingness to learn.

This program is about much more than programming; it’s about empowering these young individuals with the tools they need to navigate the vast and sometimes treacherous online world. We delved into the crucial topic of internet safety, equipping them with knowledge to confidently navigate the virtual landscape with resilience and caution.