BCG Academy High School: Now Enrolling for a Brighter Future!

Hidden Genius

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At BCG, we believe that every child has a hidden genius in them

Our Hidden Genius program is dedicated to empowering young people of color by exposing them to various careers in technology. The program has demonstrated that introducing youth to technology career paths can propel them into fields that lack diversity. Beyond equipping students with technical skills the program also instills confidence and ambition, helping them to envision and achieve a future in the tech industry. 

Our cohorts feature guest speakers and mentors from leading tech companies such as Slalom, Expedia, and Microsoft. These mentors serve as role models and inspire students to pursue careers in technology or forge their own innovative paths. Students are introduced to various tech fields, including web development and cybersecurity, ensuring they have a broad understanding of the opportunities available.

Since its inception, the program has served more than 250 youths. Hidden Genius continues to uplift and unlock the genius and creativity within each student, guiding them towards successful and impactful careers in technology.

Yahya's Video goes here

Our first cohort began in 2018.
Technology Courses
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